SwiftUI Tutorial – How to create a Complex Login and Signup UI using Xcode 12 for iOS 14

4 min readMar 26, 2021

Hello everyone, welcome to a new SwiftUI tutorial. I hope you are all doing well and staying safe at this difficult time! 🤞 Today we are going to be creating a Login and Signup View.

Let’s get started 👍

We are going to open up Xcode 12 and create a new project.

Then call the project ComplexLoginSignup_SwiftUI or whatever you like.

Now we are all setup we are going to start by adding in our assets. Let’s open up the Assets.xcassets folder and add in our images and create some Colors.

We are going to drag the images in to the folder.




Hey 👋 I’m Anthony! I hope you are well?! Thank you for looking at my blog. Here you will learn how to make apps in SwiftUI for iOS 16! Thanks for reading.